Thursday 6 November 2014

Nearly back to normal

It's been a while since my last post, I apologise but now Henley's shoulder has healed rather nicely and he is allowed to start visiting the park for a run. Henley loves the dog park and knows when we are heading there. We aimed to get to the dog park when there weren't any dogs there (as redundant as that sounds). The reason being so that he does get to involved with other dogs in running around, playing and possibly re-injuring himself. We did however get to the park one day to come face to face with a 4-5 moth old Vizsla pup. We were quite surprised as we have yet to come across one at the park. Henley and his new Vizsla pup friend Ollie had a blast together and enjoyed being with each as they both seemed to gel. I've found that at the dog park some of the different breeds tend to come out more in each dog. The Shepard breeds (Collies, Kelpies, Shelties etc) tend to be ball crazy and have no time for a young Vizsla who wants to chase and be chased. The Greyhounds and whippets run at such a pace that they are impossible to catch. Try as Henley does he can only catch up with them when they are having a drink or resting which isn't any fun for them or Henley. The smaller breeds generally stick to themselves and when there are rambunctious giants (in comparison) racing around like idiots and wrestling who can blame them? Henley does have a couple of smaller friends that he loves to run and play with: a black and white Papillon named Axl and a Beagle named Sam.
Henley has been away from all of his friends at the dog park for so long (two months seem like a lifetime for Henley and his humans). So he'll be weaned back to going to the park at the 'peak' dog periods once he's been to the park at less busy times.

One thing I have noticed is that Henley has gotten even more sassy since his surgery. He's not afraid of telling who's who and what's what. Especially if it is a impudent inanimate treat that needs a good talking to and smack before being devoured.

Henley has always been a vocal dog from letting us know when something is amiss, battling over the best bed with Tess to groaning and moaning when he can't get comfortable when he's tired and wants a nap. And as summer approaches and the flies, moths and butterflies have come out in force his day can be quite busy chasing down flies and leaping after butterflies and moths. If they fly out of his reach or they are on the wrong side of the glass door he is no afraid of letting everyone (and I mean everyone) know his frustration.
An update on the battle against the alien (cat) invasion of earth (or at least the family room): Henley is still fighting and not letting the aliens (cats) presence get him down, its the little victories/ battles that make up the war. Tess (alien threat in Henley's eyes) is being her ever patient self and lets us and Henley know when she has had enough. Do you have a war waging in your house? Is it one sided or are both species giving as good as they get?