Friday 24 April 2015

Back to the beach and a brother from another mother

After having such a great time at the beach with Henley we decided to go back for another visit. While I parked the car Henley and his grandpa made their way down to the beach.

Come on Grandpa there's so much to see and smell
Henley instantly made friends and raced with them up and down the beach.

I'm gonna catch you!

Hi Mum!
But then what did we spot in the water? A shark? A crocodile? A Fish?

No, it was another Vizsla!
Hello, my name is Sunny

After greeting each other like long lost brothers they had great time together.

Sunny Concentrating on the fishes

Ready, set, GO!

I wonder if I can convince my humans to bring me to the beach everyday

Another little play before we left
I got talking with one of Sunny's owners and was surprised to find out that Sunny and Henley have the same dad. They really did act like brothers from different mothers and they were brothers
After a good run and play session we left for home. Hopefully Henley can meet up with Sunny for another beach day in the not too distant future.

Thursday 23 April 2015

The Beach and new friends

Recently we went back to a beach twice that allows dogs (really the only people there are dog people). Henley loves running and greeting new dogs and people and really enjoyed splashing in the sea. He's not a swimmer (yet) but loved wading up to his shoulders after a ball, dog or his grandfather.

The first time we went Henley found a friend to wrestle and play with, a Rhodesian Ridgeback called Solomon.

Solomon the Ridgeback

Even thought Solomon was twice Henley's weight that didn't stop him from having some fun together.
Solomon and Henley playing

Tag, your it Solomon

After running up and down the beach for what seemed like the thousandth time we headed up to the grassed oval infant of the beach so they could both have a drink and a little rest. After a drink both of the boys were up and ready for more.

Come on let's have another wrestle

Slow motion wrestling

Then zooming right up to Henley came who? A young female Vizsla named Yugi. So Henley and Yugi went flying off chasing each other while Solomon watched on (he was a little tired after all of the playing and running he had done with Henley).

Well after such a great time running and wrestling with new friends we arrived back home where Henley promptly fell asleep for an afternoon nap.