Tuesday 23 September 2014

Post Shoulder Surgery

Let me start off by saying that you really don't realise how much you miss your fur baby until they aren't there. I dropped Henley off to the Small Animal Specialist Hospital (SASH) on late Sunday afternoon and he was one of the first to be operated on, on Monday morning. I was waiting for the phone call to hear how his surgery went and they said they would call at around 12pmish. I watched the minutes tick by until 1pm and called them to find out how my lad went. The veterinarian said the surgery went well and that Henley was already awake and was groggily already up on his paws. Staying overnight they said that he should be fine to be picked up on tuesday (today).

Our house had changed massively with Henley coming into the family but I didm;t realise just how loud and boisterous he had turned our house into till he was absent. The old tabby Tess and the two younger cats Skitz and Princess kept looking around behind them expecting Henley to pop up and pounce on them out of the blue. Our house was a lot quieter in Henley's absence as he is the most vocal dog I have ever come across. He groans, moans, sighs, grumbles, chats, whistle whines and makes a row row row sound that always has us laughing when he belts it out.

After receiving a call that Henley was good to be picked up and brought home in the afternoon I went to pick up my boy. Sitting in the waiting room to see Henley and his Veterinarian as I heard a door open and the sound of nails on the linoleum floor could be heard my dad and I looked up the hallway. I quickly glanced at my Dad and could see that he didn't recognise the dog walking towards us. "It's Henley dad," he was shocked and asked "is it really him?" at the sound of our voices Henley started to pull on the leash and whine to get to us. You may ask how could you not recognise you own dog? I recognised him but I could see why dad initially didn't recognise our boy. Over a quarter of my once golden rust coloured boy was white! He had been shaved and boy could you see the difference between fur and bare shaved skin.
What do you mean my haircut isn't the latest fashion?

He is still regal even looking a little yin yang/ cow spotted like.
There's a big difference in texture when you pat Henley at the moment.
 It's going to be tricky keeping Henley rested, but in order for him to recover well it has to be done (even when he pulls out his Bambi eyes and wants to go running around the yard like a crazy cyclone). I know one thing for sure dad is certainly happy that his little man is back home.

I think dad's happy to have his little man back at home.

Grandad loves his little fella being back at home where he belongs.
For the next 7-10 days Henley's allowed very small walks to the letter box and back (we live in a battle-axe block so the drive is a little longer than normal and suits the distance the vet recommended) three times a day. Then after having a check up in a fortnight we can slowly but steadily build up to more exercise and eventually he'll be back to normal (fingers crossed).

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