Tuesday 12 August 2014

A Dinosaur pet store and a neighbour drops by

Today's weather has been all over the place. Raining one minute sun shining the next it really didn't make up its mind to be a rainy day till after lunch. A week ago I visited a large pet store located in Kellyville and bought up a storm. Today I went back to return a mattress I had bought because I knew Henley would only destroy if I gave it to him. His bed is currently on rotation depending on his mood. If destructo Henley rears its ugly head the bed gets put out of his reach and later in the afternoon when gentleman Henley returns so does his cushioned bed. While super crazy and destructo Henley is around his bed can suffer multiple holes in a matter of minutes (it feels like in seconds though). So now his bed that is chew resistant has succumbed to Henley's piranha like teeth.

One of the dinosaur statues
But back to the pet store, it is huge! And its parking lot is guarded by dinosaurs, yes dinosaurs. These large dinosaur statues are a big hit with children (and adults too!) who visit the store with their families. This pet store is HUGE! And is quote a dangerous place to visit when you have money in your wallet or a credit card on the handy.

Hello Mindy, what are you doing here?
After arriving home to Henley we spent some time doing some more clicker training and having some snuggles (Vizsla's love their snuggle time). Henley abruptly raced to the glass door and with his hair raised down his back he let out his untruer alert deep barks. Looking out at the driveway I could see a little black curly-haired dog. It was Mindy the miniature Schnauzer who lives two doors down from us. She had managed to escape from her yard and made her way to our house and of course Henley. 

Mindy has escaped her yard once or twice before and I have taken her back but today her humans weren't home and so after letting her into her backyard and closing the gate three times her reappearance at our gate meant that she would be here till her people came home. I let her and Henley meet each other through the gate. They both were very excited to meet each other and were initiating play.

When I brought Mindy inside as she was already drenched from the on and off rain I towel dried her and let her have a play with Henley. Henley gets to the extreme high adrenaline phase quite easily and its during this that he fails to remember his manners. So when I saw that Mindy needed some space I separated them for a breather. Henley was sadly not very gentlemanly and started excitably yelling at her, but she took it all on her stride and ignored the behaviour she didn't like. He was a little slow on the uptake but eventually he realised that she paid him more attention and was more welcoming when he laid down opposite her and stopped loudly barking in her face.

When Mindy's human arrived home from work and came to collect her Henley was sad to see her leave and somehow I think that if she manages another great escape Henley will be first on her visiting list.

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