Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tongue Out Tuesday

With the rain sticking around Henley's napping has turned into a super power. When the humans won't let him out to frolic and dig in the mud puddles they (including the cat) are thoroughly told off for making it rain and then its time for another nap. And as Henley has learned from Tess the seventeen year old tabby it takes plenty of practice to be an expert napper.
Quick the sun is out! Sunbathe SUNBATHE!

Oh she's taking a picture again, really mum?

Fine, but make sure you get my good side mum.

It's a tongue out kind of tuesday
I must say it's a hard life for a Vizsla pup. Napping followed by stretching, annoying the cat, checking in with the humans to make sure they are behaving, more napping, mealtime, bathroom breaks and even more napping, its a full schedule that's for sure!

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