Sunday 1 March 2015

A New Year and a first Birthday

It's been a little while since my last post so there's a bit of catching up to do!

Henley had his first Christmas and the family and I loved celebrating it with him. I must say he was rather spoiled on his first ever Christmas with the most presents out of everyone.

He wasn't too impressed with the singlet and antlers though.
And quick as can be January 22nd came around and it was Henley's first birthday. I can't believe how fast his birthday came around. Where ever did my little pup go?

The day we brought eight week old Henley home.
Henley all grown up, surveying his realm

Henley has gone from being a little pup trotting around after me to a full grown teenager with an "I'm a big boy now" attitude. But he still loves a cuddle as most Vizsla's do.

Henley and his grandfathers bromance is as strong as ever. Henley sure does love his grandpa.