Sunday 3 August 2014

A name, a name, what’s in a name?

One exciting part of introducing a new pet into the family is giving her or him a name. Sometimes you might have a name already picked out or you choose a name that matches your pets personality. When I knew that my Hungarian Vizsla puppy would be a male I made list after list of possible names. I found that a great way to find out what names are popular, unpopular and also what kinds of names are trending is to check out some of the baby name websites and generators. If you aren't inspired by any names on websites and perhaps want a name for a pup you could look at its appearance and take it from there. Red coloured dogs can vary in names from Scarlett and Ruby to Clifford and Copper.

While looking into possible names for my pup I didn't want to choose a name that when called out in the local dog park every second dog would turn its head. So that eliminated the most popular names like Max, Charlie, Bailey, Jack and Cooper. I also wanted to make sure that the name I chose would be easy for my dog to differentiate between their name and a command. The name Noah and the command No are hard to separate as is Fletch and fetch. Short and straight forward names are easier to call out versus long names. As the date of when my little pup would arrive in Sydney drew ever closer my short list seemed to only get longer. I wanted to go for a name that was a little different and at 25 different names on my short list I seemed to have hit a brick wall. I decided that I would have to meet my pup to see if any of the names fitted him.

On the day I picked him up and brought him home from the airport I gave saying each name on my list a go. Riley? Nope, Radar? uh-uh, Connor? defiantly not. Ari? Gunner? Faelan? Oren? No, no and no. None of them seemed to fit him. As he jumped about like a hyperactive bundle of beans the names Huxley and then Henley came into my mind out of nowhere. Sounding both names out Henley was easier to say and flowed well when I gave it go by calling him by it. Lets just say that a name that was never on any of my lists turned out to be the one.

How did you decide on your dogs name? Was it pre-decided or was it a spur of the moment decision? Do you have a story about how you chose the name of your dog?

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