Thursday 28 August 2014

The Very Last Lick

Henley is picky eater, I never knew that a dog could be so picky with their food until Henley came into my life. So when he decides he likes something it is gone in a flash! His favourite sneak treat is the last cat sized mouthful of the cats canned food. There is only ever a minuscule and I mean tiny, tiny amount left (as cat food isn't good for dogs) in the metal bowl insert that he licks and then picks up and trots back to his bed where he savours every last lick of the small bowl. And Henley doesn't stop at just one bowl, when it comes to feeding one of the cats a new bowl is often used and so if we don't check Henley's bed his collection keeps getting larger. I think the record for cat bowls hidden in his bed is eight of them!
He will also clean his own metal bowl if there was something truly delicious in it the meal before.

Do any of your dogs enjoy licking out their bowl like a kid that gets to lick the bowl after baking with their mum?

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