Wednesday 20 August 2014

Cabin Fever

For most of the week the weather has been pretty awful. Rain followed by wind and even more rain. Parts of Sydney have had severe damage from the weather and other parts have experienced flooding. As I showed in 'A splash in a puddle never hurt no body' our front yard floods when the rain gets heavy. And the initial cute splashing that Henley did soon wore off when he began to dig in the mud then try and race inside. Multiple towels a day are used to wipe his feet, legs and even head as he occasionally decides to shove his head into the muddy water to try and see what? I have no idea. But our washing machine sure is getting a workout.

Resting a Vizsla pup is hard work. Think of trying to pack a fire cracker back in its box after it has been lit and that's what it's like trying to contain a seven month old Vizsla. He does have his moments of quiet in which snuggles are amazing. But the still moments are far and few between.

A snuggle and a scratch on the chest and you have to take my photo mum?

Nap time while the rain pours down outside.

Upside-down he gets this crazy look in his eyes right before he runs at full speed around the house

So in combination with trying to keep Henley from running around with his injured shoulder (near impossible as that is), Henley's dislike for going outside to the bathroom when its raining, and the excessive muddy paw cleaning we have had enough of this weather. Bring back the sun!

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