Monday 18 August 2014

A splash in a puddle never hurt no body

As Sydney hunkers down for some heavy rain and strong winds Henley has found the joy that is our flooded front yard. Poor drainage plus heavy rain means that the front garden turns into a plunge pool in places where Henley has begun his new career as an open cut miner. These holes that he can make in a matter of seconds with those digging paws of his are now over filled with rain water. Henley has met many a puddle especially enjoying them on his walks as he bats at them with his paw while whoever is on the other end of the leash stands clear back (learnt from previous puddle crazed experiences).
I do wonder if he overheard a conversation I had the other day concerning plunge pools and perhaps Henley is taking the splendid idea and making it a reality in the only way he knows how: "if your staff don't make one, one must take the initiative and start to dig one for them." So today when the rain retreated for a small period of time I let Henley investigate where his empty holes used to be.

I must add that Henley was shocked that he wash't allowed to run straight into the house after exploring the muddy puddles. And I wish I had known about the weather that we're having was going to happen, Henley had a bath just the other day, and now the wet dog smell is settling in. It's quite a challenge to catch him with a towel as he tries to run past you into the house. I know he sees it as a game of you can't catch me mum, and after the sweet victory of barrelling past my towel holding arm barricade he promptly conducts his victory dance of trying to wipe himself dry on any surface he can. Curtains, washing drying on a clothes horse, his crate and blankets an unsuspecting humans pants or pyjamas, you know anything but the towel you have ready in your hand to dry him.

Does anyone else have a dog that loves puddle jumping like Henley does? He'd love some tips on how to make the water splash as high as it can without it landing back down on his back.

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